Sunday 30 December 2012


Sementelah elaun telah dikreditkan ke akaun bank, maka duit itu telah dilaburkan kepada appliances yang jangka hayatnya lama nescaya menjadikannya pelaburan yang bernilai dan berpandangan jauh. *gitewww*

Padahal nak cerita pasal iron dengan camera je. *slap on the face*

Experience with Lazada. 

I bought Phillips traveller iron, compact, light and serve its purpose (so the Web say). 

Comel je.
It's gonna take 4-6 working days for the product to be delivered. Macam lambat pulak. So as of today, it's already been 4 days. I'm a bit anxious due to numerous bad reviews on the internet. So we'll see how it goes. Adakah Lazada akan di'banned' sepanjang hayat?

So far, Lazada offered the lowest price (after I compared prices here and there). Phillips sold it for RM120. I stumbled across another web selling it at RM100. But Lazada sold it at only RM73. It's a 40% discount!! Menarik kan?

Traveller iron is a must for all holiday freaks like me. Memandangkan in the near future I am planning to go backpacking to Kelantan with a dear friend, this is a compulsary item. Back pack, backpack juge.. Tudung bawal kena iron jugak, ye dak? 

The second item (and the last) is camera!
Tak tahulah kenapa gatal jugak nak beli.

(semua ni case malas nak keluarkan iPad sebesar-besar bila amek gambar) Mya just bought it a few months ago and decided to sell it off. Ngapain tidak? She sold it for less than the cost, RM200. (The box stated RM499). And Mya gave me complete with the box, free memory card and stuffs. The camera is as good as new. *thumbs up*
Canon A220
*I really want to buy the Instax camera. Thinking of the pros and cons. Isn't it too bulky? Ooohhh dilemma.. I am planning to bring the instax during semester abroad.. Hmm. Decisions, decisions. 

Thursday 27 December 2012


Usually, i don't fall for predictions. I hate predictions because it implies expectation, kan?
Pernah tak rasa diri berharap, kecewa, terus berharap, kecewa dan lagi dan lagi up to a point you consciously say to yourself - just give up already?

So today I had breakfast with the girls, Mya, Miley, Anis and Wani. 

And everyone start predicting who I'll end up with, out of nowhere. Interesting, tak tipu.

Before that, i just wanna say that I often fall for guys that love their career so much that they don't bother about relationship.. *sigh* And I kid you not, sometimes they started it first then went directly into workaholic mode *protest*.

Miley thinks I'll end up marrying my boss at work.. Watch out dear CEOs and VPs.. LOL!
Mya thinks I have not yet to meet my soulmate and predicted that I will marry foreigner @ mat salleh cos she said she imagined me as Ning Baizura of some sort.. *face palm*

However, as taken aback as I was I remembered the pervert interviewer's word. Ya know, the one I wrote about before. We talked on the phone (me and him) and without even meeting once, after about an hour chatting he concluded that I will do better if i end up together with foreigners. Eyhhh?
My mom always said that my body is built like foreigners, tall, broad shoulders. (fat is a matter of option, not gene) hahaha.

Will I continue the tradition of my family of cross country marriage?
My mom (Thai) weds my Malaysian dad.
My Thai aunty (Juli) weds a Japanese lads.
My other Thai aunty (Julai) weds a French guy.

Basically, all the girls in my mom's family married a foreigner..

Oh God, is that a sign?

Me don't want!!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Right on Time

So the allowance are finally deposited into my bank account.. Tak berapa nak finally sangat la since memang masuk ikut waktu.. Good job, YK! Thanks a gazillion!! Hahaha.. 

So the first thing i bought? Hanis Zalikha's Collagen Dust!! Hahaha It's my repeat order by the way and i bought two bottles terus so that bile kat tempat orang nanti sonang.. Kena la jadi Asian yang comey di sana, ye dak? Hahahaha

Me myself i tak perasan sangat perubahan sebab mula2 tu on off jugak makan nye. It's so easy.. Just sprinkle in water or food but laziness trumps em all.. plus, if you smell it.. Erk.. Suffice to say, it won't do well as perfume. And the taste is so weird but once you add it with; in my case a cup of tea, it is still bearable. So one fine day my mom who is a big critique of mine and the master of sarcasm notices that my skin's getting better so i knew at that moment the Collagen Dust has done it's magic..

Gitu kauuu penerangan.. Hihihi.. Though it's a little pricey, it's worth it and could last quite long. Biarlah badan comeyyyy asalkan muka tu sedap mata memandang.

Talking about body image, i am seriously considering to join DailyMuscle. Learn it from Harith Iskander. It's a sort of bootcamp only, better. (at least the tag line says so). It's only one hour per session and there are plenty of packages to choose from. 

Since i'm gonna be free in February, why not i join? And at weekends i can complete my motor license (pffttt). At the moment, the camp is offered at 3 places; Bangsar, TTDI and Subang. So i targeted before i went for the student exchange program at least, am gonna be healthier and with Allah's will keep living a healthier lifestyle (but i love food sooooo much!!!)

Ps* update. my mom slashed my intention of going to DailyMuscle. I knew it! Hahaha

Monday 24 December 2012

Between Lust and Needs

Hasrat menukar phone telah lama tersimpan. Sementelah duit allowance akan masuk in a few days, my head is in ransacking mode to choose a new phone.

My mom is not too fond of my wish. 

I started to use BB because of someone. And this someone turned out to be a nobody. So nampak tak penyesalan di situ. Meroyan sekejap bila BB Bold rosak. Sejarah handphone :

  • Sony Ericsson Hazel in 2010
  • Samsung Galaxy W - few months then decided to trade in for BB Bold which btw I got cheated. Hence AP set .. Grrrrrr
  • Setelah sekian lama, BB Bold got the 'death screen' yang kaler putih tue.. Hantar pergi kedai. Was charged RM250
  • Sony Ericsson Hazel cannot be turned on - hantar kedai RM100.
  • So at this moment, I was left with NO handphone. *gila sekejap*
  • Bought Samsung basic phone for RM80. Hebat weyhh... Seminggu tak cas, takde hal.
  • Hasil usahasama with my mom, she chipped in a little.. Bought BB Curve.. Alhamdulillah original, masih guna sampai sekarang.
  • Sony Ericsson after repair, now speaker pula rosak.
  • BB Bold ada dalam simpanan.
  • In all, now ada 4 handphone dalam tangan.
I understand why my mother is opposing my decision to buy a new phone. BB Bold boleh bagi Awie. Sony Ericsson tu boleh bagi Is. Though these two minions already got a phone each.

I had one model in mind. iPhone 5.

Now I am torn between iPhone, Samsung and HTC.
HTC One X looks quite impressive as well.
Hmm.. Decisions  decisions...

Sunday 23 December 2012

Kim Jong Kook

It seems like my addiction to RM is getting worst.. Hahahaha

In a post earlier, I shared about Chang Min.. Naahhh.. You can forget about him already. My new muse, Kim Jong Kook.. Or Jong Kookie.. He's far from perfect but he's fun to watch :)

Muscular body, talkative, nags a lot, a bully, very nice voice, intelligent, health conscious and funny.. But every time in RM, he got weak knees when it comes to women guests. All the cast in RM takut die kot.. Daebak!! He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and still single. Wonder why is that? He started with a duo group, Turbo.. Lebih kurang macam 4U2C la versi Malaysia. Dengan outfit yang semacam but a huge hit in Korea. The dance is also fun, it's famous all across South Korea. I listened to their songs and sedap weyh tak tipu.. Walaupun tak ngerti maksudnye kan. You guys should listen to

  • Black Cat (funky tune to dance to)
  • Twist King
  • A Jazz Bar
  • Loveable
  • Today More Than Yesterday
  • One Man (Han Nam Ja)

He's 37 by the way and made promise to his fans to get married by 40. Die tak handsome, wa ngaku. Dengan mata sepet nye, jalan pelik but he's charming and I like him. And the reason for his weird walk is that he once went for surgery for his backbone. And he even got a Master's degree.. How cool is that?

Ilmu - checked!

Cukuplah setakat di sini saya promote Jong Kook..


Saturday 22 December 2012

Kak Mira's Wedding

Lebih kurang enam bulan yang lalu, I went to Kak Mira's wedding. Got the opportunity to be one of the 'dayangs' (excuse my language). So here are the snapshots of the happy times.

Flower girl
Garden wedding :D
Aleen, the bride's sister. My sayang!!
The much celebrated bride looking BEAUTIFUL!
An attempt at cheeky pose.
Baju kami cantik. Pengantin yang sponsor. Heeeee
The bride and the 'dayangs'
Buah hati kesayangan !! Esya, Aleen and Atie.
Di waktu petang, shawl sudah ditukar. So out of place *facepalm*
Pardon our oily faces. Cuma pengantin yang nampak cantik berseri.. Haruslah..
Abang photographer yang sangat funny made our day

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Word-less Wednesday

First visit.
HQ meet-up. 
Ye.. Ini gambar visa.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Guess Who's Going Abroad?

Alhamdulillah syukur.

Di saat waktu dihabiskan dengan temuduga latihan praktikal, a very unexpected news came! YK approved the student exchange program!!! Syukur, syukur ya Allah. 

Now what I have to do is reject all the internship offers, plead for a company to defer my offer to September (if that is possible) and start applying visa + accommodation and stuffs. 

So gonna brush up my third language skill!!

I am soooo excited!

Hoping Hanis will got through, too. Though her country will be different from mine, still. Student exchange y'all!! Hanis - Korea. Chee Lee - US. Me? 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Project Paper Drama

Ye. Memang aku bengang. Aku rasa tak puas hati.  Rasa ditindas. Rasa dipergunakan.

This is the reasons why I am not fond of group work.

I exploded because this is a great deal for me, doing Accounting Project Paper.

I put much effort into it.

Dan bila orang lain buat sambil lewa, hati ni rasa nak meletup-letup.

And you still got the guts to ask me do your part?


Memang aku sangat berapi, sampai nak tengok muka kau pun aku sakit hati.

Tapi aku tahu, aku bukan manusia yang menyimpan dendam.

Cukup sekadar aku luahkan disini.

Nescaya sehari dua, sejuk lah aku.

Maafkan kau.

If you managed to get good grades in this subject, itu rezeki kau.

Tapi rezeki yang kau dapat atas usaha orang lain; tak berkat.

Aku just harap kau ubah perangai kau sebab in working environment nescaya you'll piss you colleague and employers.

Ubah lah sikap untuk kejayaan masa depan.

#pesanan untuk diri sendiri juga

Monday 10 December 2012

Running Man

Who would have thought, me of all people would be addicted to Running Man? Me, the big opposer of K-Pop? It started with my brother who spent his days in front of laptop, laughing like crazy. Still, I don't understand him. Then, Astro aired RM. My whole family gathered to watched it, even my mom. 


I watched it and hey, it's not bad after all. I laughed my head out. 
Thanks to my brother who downloaded all the RM series, now I spent most of my time watching RM. (Macam tak ada kerja)  Brighten my day. Haha Really! The cast are just superb!
And while watching, there's this one guest star.

The picture won't do him justice. Need to watch him in action, then you'll see the charisma. Tapi katanye di internet he did some plastic surgery. Nahhh.. I don't care. 

Ding dong!!!
A news just came in!
I got accepted at Bursa Malaysia. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Exxon Mobil also called.

Okay. That's all for now. Gonna continue FYP and RM of course :D

Thursday 6 December 2012

Pervert Interviewer

Getting through an interview is always an exciting event for me.

So the story goes..

Yesterday, i got an interview for a consulting company in KL. Apparently it's not just cikai-cikai company, ya know? Which makes this whole story even weirder. The interview was done via telephone. I got a call at 8pm. Yeah! At night!

Then this guy introduced himself. Among the inappropriate questions were.... Do you have any boyfriend? What is the characteristic of your ideal man? How come you never go to Zouk before? I think you should be with mat saleh. And it goes on and on for 2 hours..

Oh my God.. I just can not describe my feelings at that time. So when can I call you again? Hellooo!!!!! For what?? Gila ke apa.. Texted me good night and everything. Called me later because I did not reply.

Go die please!!

And please stop calling.

Think i'm gonna contact the HR department and reject the offer on the ground of sexual harassment. LOL


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Last Few Days in Muadzam Shah

Truth be told, my thoughts are all tangled. Too many things I want to share with no passion to write (before). I felt like the effort to write will consume too much energy.. Haha *blabbering*

So last week was my mid term test week. Alhamdulillah, all completed. No more mid semester tests after this, folks! Currently, it is the week 10 of lecture which means only 4 weeks to go for me to say goodbye to Muadzam.

I've spent 3 years in Seri Iskandar, Perak.
Now it's already 2 years and a half here in Muadzam Shah. Believe it or not, I don't think I'll miss Uniten but I'll definitely miss Muadzam. 

Comparing my days in UiTM with here, I felt that during diploma, I lived my life in HD Color TV. Now however, it's on black and white TV. The friends here are different, the enemies are better. Gitteww comparison :p

So Uniten, I thanked you for all the experiences and knowledge you gave me.
Thank Lord I did my degree in Muadzam, at least there will be something that I'll miss about. 


Jiwa kacau. Teamwork projek paper hancur. 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Stay by Sugarland

So original, so honest.
One of my favorite songs.

Sung by a country group, Sugarland. My number two favorite country singer after Blake Shelton *melt*

Music are there to mend the heart.

I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall
And I've been laying here praying, praying she won't call
It's just another call from home
And you'll get it and be gone and I'll be crying

And I'll be begging you, baby, beg you not to leave
But I'll be left here waiting with my heart on my sleeve
Oh, for the next time we'll be here
Seems like a million years and I think I'm dying
What do I have to do to make you see she can't love you like me?

Why don't you stay? I'm down on my knees
I'm so tired of being lonely, don't I give you what you need?
When she calls you to go, there is one thing you should know
We don't have to live this way, baby, why don't you stay? Yeah

You keep telling me, baby there will come a time
When you will leave her arms and forever be in mine
But I don't think that's the truth
And I don't like being used and I'm tired of waiting
It's too much pain to have to bear to love a man you have to share

I can't take it any longer but my will is getting stronger
And I think I know just what I have to do
I can't waste another minute after all that I've put in it
I've given you my best, why does she get the best of you?
So next time you find you wanna leave her bed for mine

Why so sad of a lyrics? The MV is very simple, full with emotions.

Monday 26 November 2012

Sweet. Now Sampah.

Most guys have this interesting skills, ya know. They know how to 'talk' to a girl. Let me share a real life example. I had this one classmate, few semesters back. He's kind, soft spoken (so people say). We developed a relationship. A weird one. It's on-off kind of things. His words, oh my God.. The sweetest ever! I was stupid enough to fall for his sweet demeanor. You know? I cooked for him, celebrated his birthday.. 

So the story goes he went quiet for these few months. And I don't even felt the difference. I live just fine. Then yesterday he called me out of the blue, asking for help. He asked to me find tax cases for his assignments and to apply internship for him. Like, for real??!! What the hell! I cannot comprehend how you could even act this way.

One, it's your goddamn assignment, It's a group assignment for God's sake! Go ask your team member.

Second, your internship is your future, my dear.

Thirdly, you should never assume me as your safety net.

Bila susah baru cari. Bravo!!

Another case of sweet turned sampah..
I refused to be used.

Internship Update!!
I got the agreement package from Accenture today. They offered me one day paid leave per month, the allowance is good. How interesting is that? Their office is no longer at KLCC. It's at The Garden. Hahaha.. Far better!! But now I have to convince the Industrial Training Committee about Accenture. 

At the end of the day, I am not sure what I want to do in future. Auditor has lost its appeal for me. I know I should go to the Big Four. Or should I? For one thing, whatever happens, I know I have to serve my bond with Khazanah. So the 6 months in EY will not be of much help though I secure a permanent post. I want to take professional qualification. Accenture is an Accredited ACCA Employer.

Ohmai... Dilemma..


Sunday 25 November 2012

Cluttered Mind, Tortured Soul.

As of today, it's been 3 years and 6 months. 
It will end .... someday.
Find the courage.
Sacrifices are endless.
My heart in agony, soul tortured.
All in all, life.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Short Update on Internship Interviews

So today i donated blood. Again. Hmm.. Should do this more often.

I already mailed EY the acceptance letter earlier today.

BDO called to set up an interview. Accenture second round of phone interview will be on next Monday. Crossing fingers on that.

Today also we got back the mid semester paper for ICS. Disappointing weyh! 72% only. *die*

Later on tonight will be another mid semester paper, Accounting Theory & Practice. Gotta study.


Tuesday 20 November 2012

Let's Get Personal

Here comes the reason why i privatized this blog. The touchy-feeling stuff.

Happiness is a very peculiar subject. People find happiness in different places. Some found it in their family, friends, loved ones, pets and even in their job. Being happy is like the ultimate goal, ain't it? Thousand of books have been written on how to be happy. Is it really that difficult to be happy? Our ancestors, nana, grandpa; they did not need the self-help books to live a happy, fulfilling lives.

In my case, yeah. Happiness is very difficult to come by, per say. This very thought has knocked me in the head few weeks back. It's a wake up call I guess.

I alone know what I've been through, the mistakes I made, the regret I felt. Having good news, but no one to share it with. It's heart breaking, really.

People judge, without fail. I know all the motivation quotes out there; about not giving crap on what other's say. Let me tell ya. It's all a lie. You will fall. You forced yourself back up just to be tripped over by others. In the end, you only have yourself to rely on, to share the sappy moment with. Yeah, you do look okay from the outside. But inside, you can feel something's missing.

How does people sees me? They do not know my story. Those who knew seems pretty happy to condemn me all the way. Knowing my weakness, some took advantage. How freaking awesome was that? yay!!

I rise through it all. You have no idea how words hurt. It hurts even more when it's made public.
You have no idea.
Just .. None.

Be careful on what you say to others. Be careful.

It's not even the point of my story, yet it took such a long post. Next time maybe.


Monday 19 November 2012

Bigcha's Wedding

Let the pictures speak.

Place : Dewan German Malaysian Institute (GMI), Kajang.
Date : 18th November 2012
Bride : Noor Aiishah (classmate from school)

There were two Aishah in our class. So one is Bigcha, the other is Smallcha LOL

Thursday 15 November 2012

ACCA Conference and Internship Updates

Ya ampun.. Lama tertangguh post this time. Asyik kept in draft je. I don't know why I can't upload pictures through iPad. Leciaq sungguh aihhh. 

Last week I went to the 'ACCA - Fellowship of Future Leaders' at Equatorial Bangi. As anticipated Chinese students were the majority and it felt good being in a new environment. The event was beneficial and interesting. 

The HR leaders from the Big 4.. All of 'em..
Some of my group members from the Fantastic Four. We have a whooping 25 members.. Wohooo!!!  
All of the participants. Can you spot me, the one in brown hijab?
And the highlight of the event was .... FIRE EATING!!
We actually ate the fire! All of us! Ya know? Like a circus performer. Awesome weyh!! Basically the mentality is that once we had ate fire, there's nothing we can't achieve. Deep, huh? 

Getting ready... Nervous tak tipu.
Look at the fire for only 2 seconds.. Not more (or you'll freak out)
The aftermath. Pffttt... Gasoline. Yucks!

So all in all, I would like to promote to all. If there's ever a second edition of this event, do go!! You will definitely gain something.

Currently it's the unofficial holiday for Uniten students. Lecturers cancelled their classes for the Deepavali and Awal Muharam holiday. And I stayed. Ouh I stayed all right at Muadzam Shah. Impressed much!
To-Do lists.
The list might as well explained why I stayed. The very next week after the so-called holiday, there will be 4 mid terms. So much win!! *die* So far, so good. I've covered some topics from Forensic Accounting and Accounting Theory. I am well prepared for Integrated Case Study. Not bad, eh? Though I watched movies while I'm revising. Hehehe

And.... Here it is! Heeeee *dancing*
Intern Updates 
When I was at the ACCA Conference, I got a phone call from Colgate-Palmolive. The phone interview went on for 45 minutes. Tough! When I got the offer letter, they are only offering RM600. One must have though they're offering higher allowance since the interview was freaking challenging.

JeffreyCo called to offer a place. It's in Bangsar and offered RM400. So far, it's the lowest allowance I've heard for audit firm.

I thought I was being offered at audit department of RSM RKT (RM800). Apparently, they are switching me to another department. Consultation and taxation. It's very accessible by the public transport, just opposite the Dang Wangi LRT station.

Rabin and Associates offered RM700. It's a 5 minute walk from KLCC.

Also I secured a place at ACT Partner, in Puchong.

SCS Global, Azwan Wong and Cristopher Heng are pending for interviews which I decided not to go. (so far)

What I want to share here is my experience interviewing with Jason Tan & Associates (JTA). It's in Jalan Universiti and owned by a Chinese couple. They were very great to be with. The interview was simple and basic. He asked for the double entry for provision of doubtful debt and the basic accounting equation 'Asset = Liability + Equity'. They offered RM700. If I did not get any offer from the Big 4, this would definitely be my choice. The people's nice. I can sense that Jason just loved me. He even said he'll bring me along to meet client and also help with HR duties because .... (let me keep it for myself)


When I told him I got an offer with EY, he was quite frustrated. I can see it. He was from EY himself, and his wife Esther's from PwC, so they know how the Big 4 appeals to students. They also have monthly luncheon. Oh my God! They're the best!! So me and Shu were offered a place on the spot. Shu ended up signing the offer letter. Hihihi

I put this picture because I'm soooo excited for Mya!! (far right) She's a beauty with brain, and also a good friend. 
Yayyyy!! I'm gonna intern with this lady.. InsyaAllah. What's funny is that she persuaded me to do my internship early so that we can do it together. And yeah. She got EY too!!
Oh! And before I forgot. I got another invitation for the online assessment of KPMG. Apparently I did not do well enough the first time. How kind are they to give me a second chance? The first assessment comprises of two section. I am required to re-do only the first section. Does that means I scored okay for the second section? Heeee


Wednesday 7 November 2012

Crazy Sleep Schedule

My life is upside down now, apparent from my crazy sleep schedule. It's not like I'm THAT busy. It's just my sleeping pattern decided to stray and went haywire.
One day I'm wide awake till 5, the next day I'm crawling to my bed at 9. And it goes on for weeks. Zombie, much?

So everyone is pretty rattled about internships. Why not? It's important. While most aims for the Big 4, some prefer small medium sized audit firms. Me myself is in dilemma. 

Also, yesterday my group presented for the case study which by the way is a big disappointment. I'm pretty much frustrated with myself. Pffttt.. I kid you not , I was in a bad mood earlier today. Because I know we take it for granted, settling with the answers we got from the internet. Lessons learnt!

My plan to go to Kelantan is still in progress.

That's all for now. I'm in class by the way. Hahaha *evil laugh*

OK. Better stop now.

Bye! Ciao!!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Unproductive Sunday

I spent my weekend alone. A little wee bit unproductive. Therefore, i decided to wake up early today and do some exercising.. Believe it? Hahahaha.. Syok sendiri aerobik kat ruang tamu.. Half way through, my calves are hurting like crazy! That's the way to do it.

It ain't exercise if you aint hurting. 

Towards a healthy heart!!

Tomorrow my brother's gonna sit for his SPM. Good luck!!

Already felt healthier.. Haha over! 

Mya oh mya.. I'm crossing fingers here... Jom-jom jenjalan...


Saturday 3 November 2012


I love comedy series.

How I Met Your Mother, My Wife and Kids, The Big Bang Theory, Scrubs, you named it. But I would say the most original one would be Friends.

Did ya know that the creator of Friends are the ones behind HIMYM? That would explain why some of the ideas and plots are pretty similar.

Friends is the only series that I would watch over and over again without sweat. And laugh every freaking time, too. (Had some adrenalin rush watching 'em since the last hour, fyi)

And, now it's 10.30pm and I had just finished my data collection. Yayyy!!! I'm feeling the kind of relief that only final semester student would understand. Fuhhh.... Alhamdulilah.

PS - I identify myself with Monica from Friends

Friday 2 November 2012

EY Offer Letter

Hello November! 

Be good ya!

Here comes another weekend. Oh how fast time flies.
I am alone, yet again.
Wonder if I should just go somewhere, just to chill.
Cherating, maybe?
But again, it's the raining season.

So earlier today, I met up with my supervisor and after that decided to cook.
Same old, same old.
Spaghetti. My favorite and perhaps the easiest dish to make.
My problem is, I did not know how to shop for one person.
I always end up cooking for what looks like a family meal.
So yeah.. I'm very full right now. Alhamdulillah.

Catching up.
I do not mean friends. I meant movie.

This past few days has been a movie marathon. Though not back to back (due to the humongous workloads). I was just catching up with those movies that I should have watched a long time ago. Bourne Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy, Oceans Trilogy; just to name a few. Have to make full use of the little moment left before internship, no?

Speaking of it, EY has sent the offer letter.
So I guess it's official.
And just now DFK Folks called to set for an interview. Should I go, should I not go? Haven't made up my mind yet. 

I decided to tell my mom about EY. So I started the conversation with the history of Big 4, bla bla bla.. And mid way through, she guessed it right.  "Nak bagitahu dapat Big 4 la tu?" Haha. You got it right, mom.

Other than that, the workload  here is escalating quickly. Mid term week is coming soon. FYP data collection is due Monday. Integrated Case Study is to be presented on Monday, also. Not to forget the case study for Accounting Theory and Forensic Accounting.. Ummm.. Nyummy! The life of a student.

Ciao! Going to continue my data collection.

The line of insanity, love and revenge are parallel. 

Wednesday 31 October 2012

One of The Four

Good news.
So this evening I got a phone call from EY, KL offering me internship placement.
It's for the audit department.
I wanted to go into tax, though.

But never mind.
Audit had always been my soft spot.
I just don't want to sacrifice my weekends.
I do not want to be 'married' to my work.
*emotional turmoil*

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah syukur.

Also, today we had a talk with ACCA.
Me, Fizi, Shu and Mya (at least these are the people who are the closest with me) got an invitation to go to the ACCA Student Conference at Equatorial next week. 


All in all, a very happy day.


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Internship Interview

Yesterday was a very tiring day; which explains why I woke up earlier today aching all over and end up skipping classes. 

First up, I went to Megan Avenue for an interview with Rabin & Associates.

The interview was at 10.
I must say, they are a very punctual bunch of people.
As soon as I got there, I was given a test.
Yup. You read it right. And it is not A test. It's several tests.
I was the only applicant at that time.

Grammar test
I was a given a one-half-pages of a business related article with numerous errors in grammar, spelling and choice of words. So, correct 'em away!

Accounting test
Naturally, this test is to be expected. It was a 17-question of terror. It was freaking difficult! I was like; 'How come I never come across these things before?'. Unless for the theory part, which are quite straight forward, the others are *die* It's a multiple choice question, btw. No worries. 
I am a little but flustered by these questions, truth be told. 

Personality Test
It's a basic one, just like those during our school days. I doubt there's anything we can do bout this. It's either we got it in us, or we don't.

IQ Test
This was an interesting one! It's like the question for Khazanah Scholarship, PTS (in Standard 3) and SAT's mashed together. Only tougher. It has more than 50 questions.

All of the above were to be answered in 2-hour time. Cuak tak, cuak tak?
And, with no calculator.
Right after that, interview session with the Audit Principal.

I was shocked beyond words, answering the tests. Hahaha No kidding!
When I actually went for the interview, my English was all over the place.
I stuttered a lot. Come on, man!
What in the *tuutttt* is wrong.

But I guessed she managed to see me behind the nervousness and I am offered a place.
(I've never been this nervous btw)
Allowance - RM700
Location - 5 minutes walk from KLCC
The people - friendly

Then I wondered around in KLCC, thought of buying a book at Kinokuniya.
Better wait for my Kad Siswa then. 

At around 2, I arrived at Dang Wangi for yet another interview, RSM Group.

Apparently, the company is quite big and established.
There was 4 of us, all girls, the other three being from UM.
First, sat for the test. It's an audit questions. Yayy!!
Then, there was a simple personality test and an essay question.
Pretty easy, I would say.

During the interview, the auditor was quite surprise that I did not go to the Big 4.

Alhamdulillah he told us that we are going to be offered.
Just wait for the call and the offer letter.
Allowance - RM800 plus OT and travelling allowance
Location - just opposite Dang Wangi LRT
The people - professional. On a scale on 1 to 10 on friendliness, I'll give them 7.

So that makes my standing offer (InsyaAllah) at the moment - 3.
With one more company Cristopher Heng to be interviewed.
I don't think that I'll go after the bad review I found on the internet.
Plus, it's far - Jln Ipoh.

Just now, LITERALLY just now while I was blogging, I got a phone call from Asyraf.
*melt* sekejap.
He works at the Security Commission and he's one of the senior manager.
I also applied to intern at SC and I'm planning to quote him as my reference.
He was more than happy to help.
That's the perks of networking, guys!

I was stationed under him during the ICC camp at Kepala Batas earlier this year.
So he knew me at a working environment which I prefer because he'll know my capacity.

Crossing fingers for the best.

Oh and did I mention that I am soooooo in love with Magnum Almond *drool*


*YK, y u no give me answer?

**sometimes people come to you when they need you. Other times, they happily went away.

***sometimes you stick with someone out of comfort, not feelings.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Full Blog Revamp

So i decided to do a full make-over for this blog. Nice, eh?

The picture up here is taken the last time I went to JB and it's just breathtaking.
So that explains it.

I also privatised this blog, for the moment.

I felt like sharing intimate thoughts and this no longer serves as experience-sharing blog.
It's now a platform for me to pen out my feelings and thoughts.
Maybe i will make it public, later. Who knows?

An update on my internship status.

Tomorrow I got an interview at Rabin & Associates, Megan Avenue.
I am a bit hesitant to go cos i know even if I got the offer, it is very unlikely I'll accept.
The allowance is RM 700 .. Not bad.

If worst comes to worst, this could be my saving grace.
However, knowing how important interviews are, it's better for me to go.
As a warm up, ya know? And to gain experiences.

I also scored interviews at Cristopher Heng, Jln Ipoh and RSM, Dang Wangi.

ACT Partners, Puchong already offered a place.
So Alhamdulillah, everything is in order though truth to be told, am still waiting for the Big 4 or any famous big companies.

A few days ago (on Eid Adha) I got the chance to visit my friend who just gave birth to a beautiful twin boy. 

That makes me analyse my life from a bigger picture. 

I'll make a separate post, don't worry. 


See ya later!

Thursday 25 October 2012

Too Much Love for Campus

Tomorrow is a public holiday and I'm still in Pahang.

Muadzam Shah to be exact.

Well, being a final semester student have its own perks and downside.
For one thing, all the talks in the world will target you as the audience.

Secondly, you have the workload for three semesters combined.

Over tak statement? Hihihi
It's like the opposite, ya know?
For all the semesters before this, I got 14 weeks of playing and 1 week of studying (study week).
Now it's all 14 weeks of data + analysis + study..

So next week, right after the holday (so-called), I got three interviews waiting..

But the one company that I am really hoping for is not responding so far.
Will keep praying.

So at the moment, finishing up the data collection for FYP.

That's all folks!

Selamat Hari Raya!