Thursday 31 January 2013

Exam Results

So the exam result is out.. Earlier than anticipated *scream*

Scrolling the TL, many were updating their results.

Am here to share the happiness.

All the hard work, worth it!

*supervisor even texted me and said i deserved it. Alhamdulillah. Blessed to be one of his supervisee.

My pride and joy :D

The best closure I could ask for. Those subjects I targeted A, Alhamdulillah it came true.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

12-day Escapade

Yes. The whole family landed safely. Alhamdulillah. The 12-day escapade thus began.

For your info, Don Mueang International Airport is quite far from town. Personally, I love Suvarnabhumi Airport better. But what to do.

So from the airport we went straight to Grandma's. She lives in Bangkok with my uncle who apparently runs a Japanese restaurant. My niece which I love so much was there, too. Suara die, macam Ella weyh. Serak-serak sexy.

Introducing - Nettie
Then we head to Kak Juli's (my aunt) house in Bang Sean, Chon Buri. Quite a journey. Guess what? Her new house is a villa by the beach. How cool is that? At the moment, her husband is back in Japan. See? Let's not marry foreigner in the future, aye?

I love Thailand, per say. The people are nice. Earlier today while we were in the cab, en route to Grandma's we were stuck in traffic. With my touristy mode fully activated, I looked outside the window absorbing the beauty of Bangkok. Unexpectedly, a cab driver (beside ours) waved frantically at me with a goofy smile. Feel welcomed! And of course, one of the interesting stuffs in Bangkok.....  

Pink cab!!
See you again!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Internship : A Closure

Today, after a six-year hiatus me and my family are finally going back to Bangkok, Thailand. Such a perfect timing. The last time I went there was right after SPM. Now I am literally celebrating the end of my degree education. Though there is still a long way to go before my actual graduation.

This holiday will mark the end of 'internship anxiety' as I called it. My internship period will be carried forward to August 2013, insyaAllah or by October the latest. Therefore, I will graduate in November 2014 right after my contract with YK ends. Just nice!

Seeing the positive responses from various companies, I am truly moved and it gave me a boost of confidence. I just e-mailed Accenture the acceptance letter. They are very efficient, I must tell you. They issued the revised offer letter to accommodate my new date in no time. Thumbs up!

At the moment, I will stick with Accenture. They paid good, one of the Big Four in consulting industries and is awfully close to my home. What else to ask for? However, my heart started to fidget a little. I am thinking to intern at an audit firm after all. Never mind. I will need to think this through first. Also, there is a clause for me to overturned the acceptance in the agreement. Thank God.

Astro Awani called the other day and hear this; it is very very interesting! It was quite a shock, too since earlier I got a phone call stating they need interns with personal transport. Anyhow, I got to be on the research team for the coming election!! How fun is that! It just clique right on with my interest in politics!! And the guy who called me seems pretty decent. If Uniten allowed this, I will definitely reject ALL the other offers though Astro paid less. (I'm not sure how much they're offering). Plus, by the time I intern in August the job scope must be different, right?

So I thank all the companies for the kind replies and responses. Maxis, Bursa, ExxonMobil and others.

Truly I appreciate it a lot.

Gave me a taste of what life beholds in the future.


Lessons I learnt : you do not need a perfect GPA to pitch a job, just the right attitude.

For now, this chapter is officially closed and is scheduled to be re-open in June or July.

I am not trying to brag by blogging about all of this. Just trying to lend a helping hand to those who are looking for more information. :)


Sunday 20 January 2013

Rational - Facts, not Feelings

Keupayaan berfikir secara objektif dengan mempertimbangkan baik buruk sesuatu tanpa mengikut perasaan.

It is very important to be rasional. I can not stress this point enough.

Manusia gemar berfikir menggunakan hati. Bukan otak.

Bercinta setahun, semua kelakuan pasangan nampak sempurna. Kenapa? Buta hati. Clouded by all the feelings, biased. Keburukan semua ditolak tepi. Konon manusia paling sempurna pernah kita jumpa. Keluarga dan sahabat pointed out our partner's mistakes, mula meroyan.

By being rational, arguments can be avoided, people will be living in a more civilized manner.

Stop making decisions based on feelings. Start depending on facts, people.

Kisah Sejarah
Remember in History class where we learnt about Japan invading Tanah Melayu? Remember how they came about? Through Thailand. I vividly recalled my classmates being enraged due to the fact that King Bhumipol gave way to the Japanese Army. December, 1941 the Japanese Army landed at Pantai Sabak, Kelantan through Thailand.
Sekali imbas, mana-mana rakyat Malaysia pasti marah dengan tindakan Raja Siam. Betul? Stop there for a second and start thinking facts. Be objective for a change.
Thailand means 'free land'. They had never been invaded. Never.
The Japanese gave an ultimatum. Either give way or suffer the wrath. Of course being a King, the welfare of the citizen is the number one priority.
Me, being a rational person can see the truth behind the actions.
But these facts are not disclosed in our History textbooks. I wonder why?

People could say that I'm biased since my mom is of Thai decendant. I could not care less. I am all about the facts. Recently, there's a match between Malaysia and Thailand for the AFC Cup. I watched it, being a supporter of local football scene. And man, do the Thai player played dirty. They shoved their way here and there. Come on! It's freaking obvious.

Tolong masuk kelas Ethics and Sportmanship.



Saturday 19 January 2013


I always believe that beauty without brain or even talent, at the very least is a total waste.

Now these are the top 3 Hollywood actress whom I adore.

Such beauty blessed with such talent.


Do watch Amanda Seyfried in 'In Time'. Freaking hot, I would say!!!

Amanda Seyfried
Kate Hudson

Emma Stone

People say that beauty is a curse.

In that case, I'm thankful and blessed not to be cursed.



Friday 18 January 2013

50 Trivia

If you read my previous blogs you might know this one fact. I love answering trivia questions. It's fun, it's random. It makes me think and it's the easiest way to update le blog. :)

1 - What is your favorite color? 
Salmon pink. Red.

2 - When is your birthday?
24th September

3 - Who do you want to be with right now?
My room mate. Boleh? LOL

4 - What sports do you play?
Netball, volleyball and pool billiards (is that even a sport?)

5 - Who is the first person in your contacts?
Abang Jef - my cousin

6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment?
Andaiku Bercinta Lagi and Hall of Fame

7 - If you were stranded on an island, what do you wish to bring?
Food, blanket and loved ones :p

8 - Do you like to bowl?
No, I don't. Seriously.

9 - What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Plain vanilla or vanilla chocolate chip.

10 - The first album you ever bought?
World of Our Own - Westlife.

11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account?
Didn't have one.

12 - What would be your ideal gift?
Thomas Sabo charms. Boleh? :p

13 - Choose: Coke or Pepsi ?
I don't drink carbonated drinks.

14 - Choose: Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter for random thoughts, Facebook for updates.

15 - When was the last time you cried? Why?
Few days back while re-visiting my childhood. LOL

16 - Are you happy?
I am content. Blessed.

17 - What is your dream car?
KIA Forte

18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life?
No. I would never trade it for anything

19 - What is your hobby?
Eat, travel and read.

20 - What was the last song you listened to?
Glad You Came - The Wanted

21 - What is your favorite fast-food chain?
Secret Recipe and Domino's

22 - Who are your best friend?
Laila Rashid, Areen Shaharani, Izzah Mukhtar, Aleen Ibrahim, Shuana Kamal and Mien Zakaria

23 - Chose: Party or Beach?
I'll choose beach. Every time.

24 - Name someone pretty.
Amirah Azmi, without hesitation :D

25 - Who was the last person you hugged?
Debab Bobok, my lil brother.

26 - What kind of music do you listen to?
Everything, literally. I'm not choosy.

27 - Are you over your past?
Yes but it all stayed at the back of my mind; as lessons.

28 - What kind of person do you want to date?
Someone with ilmu and iman. That's all I asked.

29 - From whom was the last text message you received?

30 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt?
Comfy skirt, every time.

31 - Do you like someone as of the moment?
Yes, Alhamdulillah. Masih. After a few years. If you really wanted something, you'll wait.

32 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend?
I really wish for you to be well. :D

33 - Do you have any phobias?
I absolutely-definitely-can't accept itu 'hantu loncat dalam kain putih'. Please. Shuddered just to think about it.

34 - Did you try to change for a person?
I did and it was stupid. I revert back to myself in no time. 

35 - Name someone you can’t live without.
My mom.
36 - Describe your dream wedding.
Real simple, with family and close friends. Filled with barakah. I never dreamt for a grand wedding, rather I want a grand marriage.

37 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s?
Never celebrated.

38 - How long is your longest relationship?
3 years plus, I would say.

39 - The last book you read?
Enron - The Smartest Guys in The Room

40 - Did you have an accident last year?
Yes. Motor accident. Hit and run. In Muadzam

41 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”?
I did but apparently I'm wrong :)

42 - Describe your dream job.
The right amount of pressure, with life balance. Pays good.

43 - The best birthday celebration?
My class mates from high school tricked me at KLCC. Thanks girls!!

44 - What would you advise to yourself?
Eva, please be considerate to yourself as well.

45 - Do you still keep in touch with your first boyfriend and who is he?
My classmate from school, Ahmad Nazrin. Yup.. Still. He's in UNITEN Bangi now :)

46 - Are you a cat person?
No. Am allergic with its fur

47 - Choose: Black or White?
Walau putih itu suci, I choose black.

48 - What is your favourite flower?
Love sunflower.

49 - How would you describe your future planning in 3 words?
Career, family, wife.

50 - Who is your favourite artist?
Awie and FT.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Kelantan. In a Glance

15th January to 17th January 2013.

A trip to Kelantan.

Pictures are worth thousand words.

I kid you not, my favourite snack.

So beautiful, I have to share.
A famous landmark
My travel partner for 3 days.
Eat, eat and eat all day
I've been craving this for 10 years. Seriously.
Seems happy. Hence, the picture's here.
A mighty creation, Maggi Ketam.
A must-try !
It's tiring. Eating this needs a LOT of energy.
It was freaking hot in Kelantan.
Meaningful. Better, indeed.
Donning the new jersey I bought.
A quick recap.

Basically this time, it's solely a food trip. We ate non stop. The food was marvelous. 

Went to all the museums, PCB, Rantau Panjang, Wakaf Che Yeh and Pasar Siti Khadijah of course.

Slept over at Hotel Ummi at a very reasonable rate, with the best facilities.
*thumbs up*

It was very, very fun revisiting my childhood.

Unexpected tears here and there but in all, meaningful.

I got tonnes of things to share. But let it be with the correct person, no?

Tuesday 15 January 2013

A Note on Degree Life

This is my story. A recollection of memories and experiences during my days as a degree student.

To be frank, the early days of my degree life is not as glorious and exciting as others. Teheee. I'd set my mind to pursue my study in Accounting at UiTM Shah Alam. Mind you, it's quite hard for students from branch campuses to be offered a place at the main campus.

Then Alhamdulillah an offered from YK came which is literally a dream come true. UiTM is (sadly) not one of the sponsored institutions by KNB. Hence, my days at UNITEN started. 

Seriously, the location is not a problem. I don't mind being stranded in the middle of nowhere (Muadzam Shah) to study. But the thing that got the better of me was the facilities. Sure, sure. Let's not compare with public universities with millions of funds from the government.

For the first two semesters, I have to admit that I wasted tons of opportunities, I went on unprecedented holidays (regularly), my results were nothing to be proud of. Basically, I was rebellious. My application to switch uni was rejected by YK. I was angry, I was stupid. 

Then I miraculously got back on my feet, thank God. It's funny to think of the early days because I kid you not, I was immature. The environment differed tremendously. The friends, especially. The lecturers, the education. Lain weyhh..

Education and Exams
1. Here in Uniten, the standards are set up pretty high. Grade A (4.00) is set at 85 marks. But there's a catch. Most and I mean MOST of the lecturers gave hints for final exams. Now with the OBE system, it is compulsary for the lecturers to do so. Stating at the very first of the lecture class on the topics coming out in final exam, quizzes and mid terms.

2. Students with valid reasons like accidents, illness or emergencies can sit for the final examination at the beginning of the following semesters; with tougher sets of questions obviously. Never heard of it at UiTM. Once you missed the exam, you're screwed. Apparently, it's not the case here.

3. Quarantine Room. Sounds scary, eh? A familiar scene for most of the transfer credit students here, myself included. You see, the exam timetable is drafted with the normal degree students in mind. Us transfer credit students with weird combination of subjects (one from the first semester, two from third semester and three from the final semester; for example) need to live with the exam timetable. We could have two subjects drafted at the same time. At the same time!! Solution? Take one paper earlier. For example if Account and Audit paper is scheduled on Monday, 2pm the student will need to come early at 8am to sit for Account paper, monitored by invigilators alongside other students who are taking other papers. During lunch, you'll be stationed at the quarantine room having lunch together with the lecturers who are making sure you will not share the Account exam questions to your fellow friends who are sitting for it later that evening. I've been in the QR plenty of times; such a burden.

4. Timetables. We students are allowed to make our own timetables, choose the time slot and the lecturers. Savvy, eh? Perhaps my favourite part of Uniten education system.

Outside Classes Activities
Being in the jungle, few activities are held during weekends to retain students at campus. The effort is to no avail, obviously. Some event does get overwhelming response like the Talk by Wardina and Sham Kamikaze. I kid you not, the auditorium was FULL.

My 2 and a half years in Muadzam is filled with colors. Be it black, or colorful; the canvas is fully painted. I made some friends, enemies too. I fell sick, even ran from the hospital. True story, I swear. The ambulance brought me from Hospital Muadzam to HTAA, Kuantan. Upon arrival, I sneaked out and ran with all my might to the opposite of the road, took a cab to the bus station and went back to Muadzam in no time. Crazy. I called the hospital afterwards to apologize. Teheee..

I fall in love. With the wrong guy apparently. And I regret every single moment. It was a short stint but gave huge impact. I could not understand how people could have such attitude. Though I said I forgive him, i never did. I am sorry. I will let go in time. Meanwhile, I could appreciate it a lot if you stop harassing my life, and the guy I am with.

Accidents! I met with an accident during my final year. It was a hit and run accident. Bloody hell. I was riding a bike and the car came from behind and BAM!! The bike ended up on top of my legs, at the middle of the road. Luckily an uncle came to help me. Muadzam Shah is filled with wonderful people. Here I assume, the person who actually hit me is an outsiders. Talking about how nice Muadzam Shah's people are, I recalled in my junior year I was walking alone at night to 7 Eleven. Don't know what got into me but a car, a black Toyota Innova stopped me, offering me a ride back to my hostel. It was such a warm hearted family, giving me advices along the way.

Am thankful to have spent my degree life here.

Will share more stories later.


Monday 14 January 2013

The Lantern

In the old days, people often referred to teachers as candles. Well as the time passed, the role of teachers grew more important in universities what with the task to educate the young bright minds of the country.

In short, I'm gonna penned about lecturers this time. Pensyarah. My lantern.

Lemme tell you, the first time I set foot in a uni 6 years back it was so awkward calling the educators 'lecturers'. The word 'cikgu' always slipped our tongue back then. 

Cikgu, manual akaun tu berapa ringgit?

Macam mana nak jawab soalan ni cikgu?

Such a funny memory to recall. In 2007, when I started my diploma I was merely a 17-year-old gal. Simple minded and so naive.

I thanked all the lecturers that had taught me from my diploma days up till the day I completed my degree in Muadzam Shah.  Sincerely, from my heart. Without them, I will not be where I am today. I sure am a naughty student. Thank you so much for putting up with me.

Some lecturers gave massive impacts.


Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kampus Seri Iskandar, Perak
Puan Maizura Meor Zawawi
Taught me Auditing during my final semester. Perhaps subjek yang paling membunuh since lots of final semester students have to extend no thanks to this particular subject. She was a former auditor, her methods of teaching was fun. No surprise I always topped my class in this subject. Alhamdulillah. Loved it! I will never forget her advice, 'Don't settled for anything less. You are destined for greatness. I can see it'. *touched*

Puan Siti Nabilah Mohd Shaari
A young lecturer, fresh graduate but never failed to impress us. She graduated first class from UiTM in Bach in Acc (Hons). Even got Anugerah Naib Canselor for both her Diploma and Degree. Sweet!! All that in fast track course, too. Then, she completed her ACCA in such a young age. She got it all! She interned with KPMG. As a student, she wowed us by mentioning KPMG. Very much!! She gave lots of inputs and inspiration.

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Kampus Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
Now let this be a guide for the juniors to choose the lecturers in the future. Keep in mind this list may be biased from my point of view. Teheeee

Encik Azwan Bin Abd Rashid
You guessed it right. He just got to be on TOP of my list. Most female students in my class seems to love him (cc:Shuana). He's the Head of Department, also my FYP supervisor. Off the records, he's the best supervisor ever. Go, go pick him. But make you are able to be independent as he tend to be quite busy. He helps A LOT. Just do your research first, read the materials beforehand. Sometimes the questions he posed is quite intriguing. He will painstakingly reviewed EVERY one of your draft. Ohh.. Am so blessed. He don't mind staying late at the office to help you guys. A father figure.

Encik Ahmad Subhi Bin Muhammad Sidek
If ever you got the option, please do choose him. For real! He taught me 3 subjects already; Audit & Investigation, Internal Audit and Forensic Accounting. He's easy to pleased. To quote him 'I am not perfect. Hence, I do not seek for perfection in your assignments. Just do it to your best ability'. Cool aite? He never posted the carry marks, though. But fear not because he helps student in finals, giving tips and stuffs. To top it off, he also got an ACCA qualification from the UK. *envy*

Dr Norhayati Mat Hussin
A capable woman who is also the Deputy Dean. The best lecturer you could have for Accounting Theory and Practice (ATPB) subject. I kid you not. The way she explained things will make the knowledge register straight into your brain. For real. Nampak sangatlah mudah subjek ini. That is why she deserved the title 'Doctor'. *big round of applause*

Puan Marziana Haji Mohamad
For those who learnt all three taxation subjects with her (Malaysian Taxation I , II and Specialized Tax), you are veeery lucky! Me myself I only met her twice; during Malaysian Taxation II and Specialized Tax. But in her case, do make sure you settle all your tutorials before you went into the class. She's strict. That is for sure. But you can say goodbye to all the headache trying to actually understand taxation principles. You can sense that she knows everything and it gave you confidence, as well.

That's all for now.

I bow my head with respect to these lecturers and all the other lecturers whom I failed to mention be it in UiTM or UNITEN.

My gratitute goes to all of you, my lantern.

Sunday 13 January 2013

The End of A Tale

Final semester photo shoot. We did it twice. Two sessions.

I purposely took it with my small groups of friends.

Only took it with friends that matters.

Gonna miss this hot stuff <3 
Nuff said.
No, no.. Sama tinggi :p
'Brotherly' love. 
Being cute. *attempt
Semoga berbahagia selalu.
Say 'HAH' y'all
Short friendship built worth much more.
Bergolek ala Hindustan.

Family portrait :p
Controversial Picture
Post-Controversy. Tumbling over, laugh uncontrollably
Happiness radiating through and through.
#pali #eva #shuana #fizi
Gambar penutup :D

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Random is Fun

Random is fun, random is exciting. Against the norm.

Courage is needed when camwhoring in public
Perhaps for the last time here
Mission - Sushi
Favourite ... sangat!! - Sushi King :)
New found interest - pool.
How random is that?
*Bursa sent the offer letter. RM650 for Internal Audit department. Astro called. They prefer interns with own transport. Bye then! Hahaha. And I reckon they don't pay much. :p Siemens offered a place, too. Haihh.. I already rejected EY dengan berat hatinya. Accenture accept my deferment application.. Yayyy!!


Monday 7 January 2013

Lazada, Toujours and Exams

Today I sat for Forensic Accounting final exam.

We're the first batch being offered the subject.

Alhamdulillah, I can answer without much difficulties. :D

So today at last I got my parcel from Lazada. Yayy!! So excited for an iron. *lame* Well, whatever.

Reason why the delivery is delayed - my name was not clear. Pfft!!
Super cute travel iron.
And these babies came in last week. :)
Ohhh.. I love to shop! 

Gotta go now.

Tomorrow is the killer paper, Consolidated Financial Statements. *back to back paper is sooo much fun*

I hate Accounts paper.



Sunday 6 January 2013

Final Exam for the Final Time

The final exam is here .. yet again. This time around, for the last time InsyaAllah in Uniten.  *clap* Bachelor in Accounting (Hons) will be mine at last -well, plus the internship afterwards . Hari-hari terakhir di Universiti Tenaga Nasional Kampus Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah sebagai pelajar.

Literally counting the days
Warning letter and exam ticket. I'm a naughty girl :p
In the midst of studying
