Thursday 25 April 2013

Lower your Gaze

This is a very inspiring video.

Watch it.

When I first watch it, I immediately recalled what happened a couple weeks back.

I was in the bus, when I saw this one guy. He was extremely good looking (for me) but not in a model-esque way. You know what, I literally could NOT take my eyes of him. I kept glancing back at him every 10 seconds. I meant it.
Seumur hidup, itu kali pertama.

Ciptaan Allah yang sempurna di mata aku.

Bila tengok video nie, nah! Pelempang ke muka sendiri.

Aku kagum dengan mereka yang mampu merendahkan pandangan.

Sebelum ni, aku taklah jalan menunduk. Tapi aku tak pandang muka orang. Aku lalalalala jalan pandang kiri kanan, pandang pemandangan.

Baru-baru ni aku pergi hantar laptop ke kedai kan?

Confidently, I entered and greet the owner 'Guten Tag!'

Jawapan die, 'Assalamualaikum'.
Setepek ke muka.

Islam rupanya. I have no idea.

Then I realized that the whole time I was explaining about the problem with my laptop, he kept his eyes low.

Aku buat tak endah je.

Then he chinned up, look at me and went 'MashaAllah'.
Terus die tunduk.

Kau tahu apa aku rasa bila die sebut MashaAllah?
Terasa dalam hati ni satu perasaan yang aku tak tahu macam mana nak gambarkan.
A warm feeling.

Masih ada lagi lelaki macam ini rupanya.

Faith in Muslim guys restored.

*Excited nau die tahu aku dari Mesia :D


Assalamualaikum wbt,

Some of you might realized my 'cray cray period' over twitter for the past couple of days.

Reason being is that my laptop was ..... locked / hacked / ruined / attacked. Choose whatever you want. Situasi di mana laptop anda tak boleh digunakan untuk lebih 48 jam adalah sangat mengundang.


I've no tv, my only means of entertainment was my phone in which during the two days grace-period-away-from-my-laptop i've used all the internet quotas.

On a fine Sunday evening, while I was laughing macam orang gila bahagia tak ada masalah watching Family Outing, suddenly the screen changed.

My wallpaper appeared for about 5 seconds. Then it became normal again.

Biasalah, I thought.

Then comes the part where I panicked a little. My webcam lights suddenly went flashing. Selalu tengok movie kan? It means someone somewhere was hacking my webcam. Walaweyh. Nebes baq hang. Terus cover camera tu, then the lights went off.

Resume watching Family Outing.

White screen suddenly appeared. With official-looking logos. I recognised one of them. It's FBI. The whole page was in German, though. But I can see my IP address, with a statement saying I'm fined for 100 Euros.

Out of panic, cabut terus plug. Hahaha.

Dan ceritanya, bila aku bukak balik my baby lappy, there was nothing but white screen.
Aaaaa... Ni yang buat marah nie.
Mencarut-carut dalam hati.

I did some digging over Google.
Rupanya, it's a virus sent by a group of hackers (Damn you!!).

Depa berlakon jadik FBI, bagi warning kat hangpa kekonon hangpa ada illegal material dalam laptop. Kalau hang tak bayaq 100 Euros through bank transfer, para-para FBI ni akan datang consficate harta hangpa. Selagi tak transfer duit tu,selagi tu la virus duk kat laptop, locked. Tak boleh guna. And these viruses could not be detected by ANY antivirus so far.

Hebak ngak!

Melayang tak pasai 50 Euro pergi hantar repair.

And the best thing is that, they installed Germany version of Windows.  -.-'
Abang-abang IT dah janji nak tolong tukaq minggu depan.
Terima kasih.

Meanwhile, this is better than nothing.

**Tengok cerita hackers memang seronok, bila kena batang hidung - melopong. Memisang.


''... Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat ubat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang mahu berfikir.''(QS An-Nahl: 69).
Assalamualaikum wbt,

Dulu pernah terbaca, madu itu penyembuh segala penyakit.

My ex-boyfriend was an avid believer in honey. Setiap kali jumpa, die takde bagi bunga okay. Die bagi madu. Hahaha Untuk kesihatan katanya.

By the way, bukan itu yang nak di cerita.

I've been trying to look for St Ives facial scrub kat sini.
Tak ada.

I went for other brands.
Nivea, Garnier.
Tak ada.

Gave up, I went looking for generic facial scrub.
Pun tak ada.How lah? These people have such gorgeous skin tapi tak guna facial scrub.

Payah nau, I've made my own face mask.

Honey and lemon.
So simple!
2 spoonful of honey with half a lemon.

Memang sticky but most of all, sedap pulak!

Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse it off.
You can feel your pores tighten ladies!

Try it!

Monday 15 April 2013

Mainz - A Summary

Assalamualaikum wbt,
I've been in Mainz for over a month now. Everything is going great. The weather is starting to be a little bit warmer.
Too warm, all of the sudden. I was a bit cranky earlier this morning because I went out with a coat. A thick one.  Panas yang amat kurasakan *Lupa daratan sangat*.
Don't blame me. It took a while for my body to adjust with the abrupt coolness last month and now, the summer decided to come. At last!
Not that I'm complaining. Kini, hati redha dan menerima kedatangan musim panas dengan hati terbuka. :D

Mari saya introduce Mainz, the city I'm in.

Mainz is the capital for Rhineland-Palatinate. Ibu negeri.
Thank God.
Itu bermaksud there's a lot of amenities here.

Semasa Zaman Empayar Roman, Mainz is also the capital.
The history goes wayyy back.
Though a lot of buildings were destroyed during WWII bombing.

And one more thing worth mentioning, Mainz is situated near the Rhine River.
Indah sungguh pemandangan.

Apa yang menarik disini?

Every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday ada Farmer's Market. Buah, sayur, susu, cheese, wine, semua ada. I went there every week.

The city hall

Old town. 

They are serious about sports.
New stadium, just beside my campus.

Mainz have their own football team. Apparently, it is in one of the second highest league. We even had Bayern Munich come here the other day.

On any match day, you can expect the city swarming with polices and people in red. Semangat bak hang! Rasa macam duk kat Kelantan dah. Stadium memang confirm penuh. They love their team so much. Itu yang kita mahu.

Mainz is also famous  for the Carnivals and Fiesta. The next one on the calendar is next month. Marilah kita sama-sama menunggu.

Besides that, kat sini ada banyak tempat shopping menarik. Zara, H&M cuma 5 minit jauh dari rumah. Shopping complexes ada a few. Cinemas ada 5-6. Banyak nau.

Sheraton, Hyatt, Novotel pun ada. :D

Tapi yang paling obvious kat sini, rasa tenang sokmo.
People just mind their own business.


*Tak, Mainz bukan tempat Mercedes Benz.


Aku ada masalah dengan itu.

Wise words from a wise man.

We form our expectation both from internal and external stimulant.

I've learnt to not based my expectations on others.

Sebab apa?
Sebab it is never the same as mine.
Nearly all the reviews I read on the internet states that Lawak ke Der 2 is the best comedy movies. Katanya lah. Most of my friends speak highly of it.
When the time comes and I actually watched it, meh.
Kecewa tahu, bila expectation tinggi.
Since we're still on this topic.
My sincere opinion; I don't know what is wrong with some people.
Rata-rata tak puas hati sebab Lawak ke Der 2 is rated as 18PG. Heck, even the actors didn't agree and went as far as bashing LPF's decision.
Like, hello? Banyak unsur lucah kot. Or is it even not that obscene for you people anymore? Lagi nak fight for the rating.
Ni lagi satu.
Silence of The Lambs.
Katanya one of the best thriller movies of all times.
Masuk minit ke 80 baru thriller datang.
This is ain't no best movie of all time.
Well, guess what I'm saying is that don't expect too much.
The more you expect, the more it will hurt you.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Keep Calm

Ramadhan will be here in less than 3 months. 89 days to be exact.
Jom ganti puasa :D
Alang-alang tu, puasa sunat sekali InsyaAllah.

Aku manusia yang terkadang di serang sakit kepala. In fact, ubat yang sentiasa berada dalam beg adalah ubat migraine.
Let's try this instead!

The past is a painful part of one's life. It is also the furthest away.

This few days my past has been haunting me. Macam gelap sangat je masa lampau.
I meant the mistakes I made. The people I've known.

Setiap fasa hidup, there will be those who questioned your past.

Part of it, salah sendiri.
Kerana terlalu percaya.
People just love juicy gossips, stories that would bring you down.

Itu yang kau minta. 
Setiap kali, itu yang aku kata aku beri.
Tapi, aku masih berdendam.
Ya Allah, please give me strength to forgive those people.
I still can not bring myself to forgive.
Maybe all I need is time.

Di sini, cuma satu.
Selagi kau tak rasa apa aku rasa, kau tak pergi tempat aku pergi, kau tak dengar apa aku dengar, you are in no position to talk.
You. Don't. Have. The. Slightest. Idea.
I don't share everything.
I don't show everything.
Things you think have stopped;
It's still happening.

But at the end, Allah's still around.

Aku bukan nak tunjuk baik.
It just dawned upon me.

Aku nak bagitahu.

What ever shit you're in, keep calm.

It felt so good to be in the place where no one knows you.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Organ Donor

I am a firm believer in 'organ donor'ing.
I've signed up for it.
My great grandmother is a donor herself.
Cool kan?
Sekadar nak berkongsi info which I got from a Professor just now.
In Austria and Spain, the citizens are automatically in the organ donor program and they can choose to opt out by filling a form.
Macam kita, kena opt in kalau berminat.
Perkongsian from a Portugal friend pula. Disebabkan the demand for organ in black market is insanely high, right after any big accidents (macam bas or keretapi) akan ada sekumpulan manusia yang berkampung untuk mencuri mayat dan menjual di pasaran gelap.
Scary! It makes one think whether the accidents was actually a staged act.
Macam tow truck company yang lempar paku atas jalan. Pernah dengar kan?
No accident? Make one!
You will never realized the importance of signing up as an organ donor until your loved ones are in need.
When you are faced with a tragedy and frantically in need of an organ donor, you'll be frustrated.
According to the National Transplant Resource Centre, up till 2012 there are only 205,478 registered pledged organ donors and nearly half of them are Chinese. Thumbs up!
So, why not start now and register?
Anda sudah mendaftar? Saya sudah!

Monday 8 April 2013


*warning - post ni takde motif*

Aku selalu terbaca dalam buku, terdengar dekat tv of this one particular saying;
Lebih baik kita menerima orang yang menyintai kita daripada berusaha mendapatkan orang lain.
Sounds familiar? Dah lama dah dengar nie. And every time, the same thing crosses my mind.

Katakanlah aku suka kat Ali.

Dan Ah Chong pulak suka kat aku.

By default, aku kena terima Ah Chong sebab die ni suka kat aku kan. Tak yah dok kejaq Ali.

Tapi.. Tapi!!

Dari point of view Ali pulak, die kena la terima aku sebab aku suka kat dia. Kan? Kan?

It's a never ending cycle.

Kesimpulannya, kalau kita nak something, go for it!


Suara serak itu Sexy

Chakra Khan -Harus Berpisah

sendiri, sendiri ku diam..
diam dan merenung, merenungkan jalan yang kan membawa ku pergi
pergi tuk menjauh, menjauh dari mu..
dari mu yang mulai berhenti, berhenti mencoba..
mencoba bertahan, bertahan untuk terus bersama ku..

ku berlari kau terdiam..
ku menangis kau tersenyum..
ku berduka kau bahagia..
ku pergi kau kembali..
ku coba meraih mimpi kau coba tuk hentikan mimpi..
memang kita tak kan menyatu..
bayangkan, bayangkan ku hilang..
hilang tak kembali, kembali untuk mempertanyakan lagi cinta..
cinta mu yang mungkin, mungkin tak berarti..
berarti untuk ku rindukan..

ku berlari kau terdiam..
ku menangis kau tersenyum..
ku berduka kau bahagia..
ku pergi kau kembali..
ku coba meraih mimpikau coba tuk hentikan mimpi..
memang kita tak kan menyatu…

kini harusnya kita, coba saling melupakan..
lupakan kita pernah bersama..

berlari kau terdiam..
ku menangis kau tersenyum..
ku berduka kau bahagia..
ku pergi kau kembali..
ku coba meraih mimpikau coba tuk hentikan mimpi..
memang kita tak kan menyatu…

Saturday 6 April 2013

Inevitable Heart Break

Since I am in the mood to write (and about relationship no less), let me address the apparent trend nowadays.
Semua nak nikah awal. Alhamdulillah. Baguslah kan? Elakkan maksiat, tambahkan pahala.
My friend told me a few weeks back to find a soul mate. Fast!
Well, it'll definitely helps if they come with a sign on their head, kan.
Itu kata psychiatrist. Kalau sudah 18 bulan, macam mana cerita?
I had someone in my mind.
Setelah 18 bulan, ye masih.
Kamu sedar tak?
I wish things could be simpler. You should know, you can sense it if a person is attending to you, caring for you.
*macam dah lari topic je kan* :D
I am truly blessed, Alhamdulillah. I would never dream in a million years to be here, in Germany but Allah's planning are the best. Indeed.
Pernah dengar lagu 'Little by Little'?
Bait lirik yang tersemat di hati;
Little by little He gave you everything you ever dream of
Sooner or later, Allah will answer your prayer.
Kadang-kadang we prayed for A without knowing B would suit us better.
Most of the time, we get more than what we wished for.
I'm still going for it.
Trying to fight.
Better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.
Kita usaha, usaha dan usaha.
Tapi kadang-kadang hubungan dengan Allah pun tak terjaga, acaner nak jumpa soulmate kalau keberkatan tak ada?
Mungkin sebab itu, Eva. Sebab itu.
Sebelum nak cari suami yang soleh bagai, betulkan diri dulu.
Sempurnakan ibadah. Jaga hubungan dengan manusia sekeliling.
Habluminallah. Habluminannas.
Ladies, remember. The guys should in fact be more picky.
Sebab selepas nikah, dia yang akan tanggung dosa-dosa kita.
So be the best that you can be.
It's never too late, Siti Eva.
And I  know in the long run, if we were not meant for each other I am glad that I took the initiative to be a better person. For me, for my future and not merely because a guy. 
Maybe the inevitable heart break is coming sooner than I thought but it's a step not to be missed.

Bits and Pieces

Writing helps keeping me sane.
Nah. Imej baru. Short hair. Nampak muda sket.

Launching of his new album. Sila beli dan pos kepada saya di sini!
Mesin 'Pfand'. Recycle bottles, get back your money.
Automatic bread dispenser.
Bread slicer.

Don't be deceived. Ini aiskrim vanilla with strawberry sauce.
Banana split + Cappuccino. Kenapa entah order kopi.  -.-'
Vanilla and Mango. Perfect combo.
Cuba teka ini apa. Macam mesin slot kad top up elektrik Uniten.
Tapi ini untuk washing machine  :D
For your info, we say 'Selamat Sejahtera' instead of 'Selamat Siang'
Susah sangat cari kat KL. Seafood risotto. Dasar anak Melayu, telur mata kerbau itu harus.
Text book. Awesome read.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Coffee? No thanks.

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Have I told you before that Germans are avid coffee drinkers?
You can find coffee everywhere.

There's even an automatic coffee machine downstairs. (I'm in class currently). Be rest assured that during class breaks, the coffee machine will be crowded like crazy. Better avoid it. LOL 
Me, myself does not drink coffee.

Mya once called me 'lame' because I did not drink Starbucks. Hahaha
I'm more of a tea person, thank you very much. 
Coffee. Caffeine. Migraine.

Interesting enough, there's some literature stating that caffeine could actually cure migraines and headache. What??!! Not in my case, apparently.

Tak payah coffee, baru makan tiramisu dah sakit kepala. -.-'
I have to admit that coffee smells soooo good.
And you can't find tea like this;

Appetizing,  innit?
Memandangkan rerakan sebaya semua gilakan coffee, it helps for me to know the different types of coffee. And they've already recommend me to some less-intense-coffee. Whatever it is, let's learn the complicated types of coffee brew.
Respect your barista, people! :)

*did you know that in Germany, the coffee are sooo much potent than it is in Malaysia?

Ukhuwah Fillah

Our life are weaved together in such amazing manner, don't ya think? Begitu indah perancangan Allah. Gittew mukadimah. 

The 3 weeks in Mainz without any Malay friends is .... something different. I only speak Malay to Faezah (in which we speak more regularly than I did with my mom; just because my mom tend to not pick up my Skype call) -.-'  

Whatever it is, dengan takdir Allah I got to meet other Malaysian here. It still baffles me until now, I am so blessed.

Bermula dengan Instagram. It turns out there was a Malaysian here in FH last semester, doing her Master's Degree, Seira. Currently she's in London, by the way for the second half of her Master's. This time around she came here to meet the lecturers. . Nasib baik terdetik di hati beliau untuk melihat check in di FH Mainz lantas menyebabkan beliau came across my stegrem account. 

Seira introduced me to other Malaysian students. We meet up. Alhamdulillah. I got new friends now!! They came from all different places, studying Engineering, JPA scholars. I could not ask for better friends.
Juga, there's Kak Marina. A Malaysian who weds a German. She's been living here for 10 years now. :)
Though I just met them, it was very pleasant, warm and friendly.
Our first meet-up, a Turkish restaurant. It was sooo good!
My new friends.
Ukhuwah Fillah Abadan abada fin Jannah :'). Ya Rabbi.. Aku bersyukur kehadrat Mu.. dikurniakan wanita wanita solehah sekeliling ku.

Pesan orang tua, jika kau ingin mengenal seseorang, lihatlah sahabat-sahabatnya. Sesungguhnya seorang sahabat itu adalah cerminan dirinya.
First step in improving thyself, surround yourself with good people. :)
