Monday 24 September 2018

KDU PAC Awards Day

Apparently, my ACCA journey is far from over 😂

A few weeks back, I was invited to the KDU PAC (Professional Accountancy Centre) Awards Day.

It was to recognize the top scorers for December '17 and June '18 exam and CAT students' graduation [Felt like my exam was ages ago].  They also invited me to be one of the speakers for alumni sharing session * honoured*.

I personally felt this kind of event is very important to boost the morale and motivation of the students. Kudos to the team and it would be great to continue this in the future (this was their inaugural event).

N was there and naturally, he took hundreds of my photos 😂

I was the oldest on stage *cough*

Look mom, I've made it! 💖

*turns out my lecturer read my blog 😌